Sunday, May 4, 2014

Module 15: Cencorship Issues

Module 15/SLIS5420

The Adventures of Captain Underpants
By  Dav Piley

The adventures of Captain Underpants is a chapterbook and comic book roled into one following the imagination of two students George and Harold as the battle the mean principal Mr. Krupp.  Similar to Wiley Coyote and the ACME box, they get a ring with special powers that hypnotizes their principal changes into Captain Underpants.  The rest of the book follows the adventures and hilarious things that happen with the boys and Captain Underpants

Pilkey, D. (1997). The adventures of Captain Underpants: An epic novel. New York: Blue Sky Press

Beyond and Between:
The Adventures of Captain Underpants is one book of a series of books following Captain Underpants.  It is an easy mix between print and comic book type style storytelling.  As a story it is hilarious and very funny, however the pictures of Captain Underpants, the disobedience of the two boys in the story, and the sometime crude humor has been known to cause offense.  Additionally, some parents have seen this book as inappropriate for its age group.  Following the reading level and comic like illustrations the book comes off as an easy reader book for second to fourth graders.  It would be a big draw to boys and reluctant readers because of the style and format of the story.  Additionally, while the book does encourage acting out, it also shows an expression of imagination which for a child is a good thing to cultivate.  Over all I would have this book on my shelves at the library.

(3) New ed. (1997). Captain Underpants series. This edition of book one in the series now features watercolor blues, greens, yellows, purples, and reds. For the most part, the color doesn't compete for attention with the text. That said, hardly an inch of blank space remains, especially in the comics that George and Harold draw. The effect is now more splashy Sunday comics than sketchy drawn-by-kids serial. Review 11/13. erg

Younger Fiction. (2014, Spring). The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books, 25, 58-65.

School Library Journal
Gr 2-4--Pilkey plays with words and pictures, providing great entertainment. The story is immediately engaging--two fourth-grade boys who write comic books and who love to pull pranks find themselves in big trouble. Mean Mr. Krupp, their principal, videotapes George and Harold setting up their stunts and threatens to expose them. The boys' luck changes when they send for a 3-D Hypno-Ring and hypnotize Krupp, turning him into Captain Underpants, their own superhero creation. Later, Pilkey includes several pages of flip-o-ramas that animate the action. The simple black-and-white illustrations on every page furnish comic-strip appeal. The cover features Captain Underpants resplendent in white briefs, on top of a tall building. This book will fly off the shelves.

Hopf, M. M. (1997). Preschool to grade 4: Fiction. School Library Journal, 43(12), 99.

Suggested Uses:

When it comes to using this book in a library, especially because of its sensitive nature, I don’t know if I’d do a book talk on it.  This is something I’d have to think about.  However, I would use this book for a humor genre display and/or a display of books that “Your neighbors enjoy”.  In this way, I would be sharing the book in the library with other similar books.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Module 14: Poetry and Story Collections

Module 13/SLIS5420

The Wonder Book
By  Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Paul Schmid

The Wonder Book is a compilation of poems, short stories, palindromes, classic and original with beautiful black and white eye catching illustrations by Paul Schmid.  The concept behind the book is shared beautifully from the beginning, encouraging readers to wonder and exploring that wonder through all these poetry and story forms.

Rosenthal, A. K., & Schmid, P. (2010). The wonder book. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Beyond and Between:
The Wonder Book is a perfect engaging read for parents and children.  It has the classic’s like Mary had a little lamb and then it has new original poems written  or collected by the author.  The simple illustrations perfectly tie into the poem or story and often creating laughter opportunities or questions to help the reader ‘wonder’ too.  For example, in one little poem of truth was so funny, but at the same time totally engaging to children (most likely boys).  The poem was about the reality of how children pea in the water while swimming,  slightly disturbing to an adult, but delightfully funny to the little boys I read this too.  The little poem had 5 lines, but it was the picture of the little boy in the water, almost looking proud that made the poem so funny.

An uneven collection of poems and witticisms, the very best of which evoke Shel Silverstein. Several poems are takes on old standbys, such as "It Could Be Verse": "Eeny Meeny and Miney Moe / Caught a tiger with their tow / The tiger hollered; they wouldn't let go / No more Eeny Meeny or Miney Moe." Others are short and super silly: "Tinkle / Tinkle / In the sea / Don't look under / While I pee…" Some of the most successful pieces are those in which Schmid's black-and-white drawings are integral to the poem's meaning. In the palindromes section, for example, "Won ton? Not now," is illustrated with a picture of a little girl offering a won ton to a boy who is hanging upside down while being squeezed by a large snake. Even when they are not absolutely necessary to the meaning of the poems, the illustrations, dynamic and expressive, lend a degree of charm and whimsy to a serviceable, often funny, collection. (Poetry. 8-12)

The Wonder Book. (2010). Kirkus Reviews, 78(5), 209.

Publishers Weekly
This waggish collection combines poems, wordplay, and black ink illustrations to Silversteinian effect. Familiar nursery rhymes are comically recast ("This little piggy played the stock market"), puns run rampant, a poem about a "backwards prince" is meant to be read backwards itself, and there are some winning palindromes ("Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?"). An occasional gag falls flat ("I wonder why people don't replace them when they take showers?"), but the sheer diversity of silliness ensures that there is something (funny) for everyone. Ages 5-10. (Mar.)

The Wonder Book. (2010). Publishers Weekly, 257(6), 48.

Suggested Uses:

As a whole book of collected poems, I don’t know if I would use it all at one time.  However, picking a poem and using it in story time would be something I would do.  Or I could create a palindrome myself for a display and share this book/other poem books as examples of other poetry formats.  In both these ways I would use The Wonder Book in my library.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Module 13: Graphic Novels

Module 13/SLIS5420

The Skeleton Key
By  Anthony Horwitz

The Skeleton Key is the third book in the Alex Rider series following the adventure of the orphaned teenager Alex Rider and teenage spy.  In this book Alex is once again needed by MI6 and the CIA.  Through a series of events he ends up at Skeleton Key Island where he ends up fighting to stop Alexei Sarov from trying to unleashing a nuclear bomb. 

Horowitz, A., Johnston, A., Damerum, K., & Takasaki, Y. (2009). Skeleton Key: [the graphic novel]. New York: Philomel Books.

Beyond and Between:
When it comes to the graphic novels of actual books, it is hard to do justice to a graphic novel review when you liked the actual novel so much more.  However, for reluctant readers this graphic novel of The Skeleton Key will keep their attention as it moves quickly, gets the plot line going with typical conversation bubbles, and graphic color pictures following each action and reaction in the book.  In graphic novels, where you can’t spend a paragraph detailing the emotions, scenery, and action/reactions of the main character, you have to rely on the visual cues.  Overall, this graphic novel tells the story of The Skeleton Key in the typical engaging comic book read.  With the main character being a teenage boy and the action/suspense storyline this book is sure to be popular with the boys.

Children’s Literature
This graphic novel adaptation of one of Anthony Horowitz's popular "Alex Rider" series books finds British teen spy Alex working with American spies in Cuba to hunt down an insane Russian general, who has deadly plans for a nuclear bomb. But as Alex gets closer to his target, he learns the general has additional plans to adopt Alex and make him part of his new world order. Though popular among kids, this particular Alex Rider book is littered with unflattering caricatures and stereotypes of various ethnic groups and cultures--especially the Russian general, whose overwhelming hatred of American capitalism would be laughable if it were not so offensive. Other countries do not fare much better as the CIA spies Alex works with are arrogant and condescending, while virtually all the Cubans are cast as the villains' mindless cronies. Even the British end up looking foolish for trusting a young teen like Alex--who constantly runs stupidly into dangerous situations and blurts out sensitive secrets under the threat of torture--with such important missions. While some readers may be able to suspend their disbelief long enough to be entertained by the story's action, the poorly-drawn characters and paper-thin plot make most James Bond movies seem like Oscar-worthy dramas by comparison. 2009, Philomel Books/Penguin Young Readers Group, $14.99. Ages 8 to 12.

Michael Jung, PH. D (2013). The Skeleton Key Review.  Children Literature Comprehensive Database, Retrieved from the University of North Texas  from

School Library Journal
Gr 5-10- Alex is back for the third time in Anthony Horowitz's Alex Rider Adventure Series (Philomel, 2003) as the reluctant 14-year-old spy, getting into his share of James Bond-like adventures. This time he travels to Wimbleton and dodges an evil-doer in the strawberry refrigerator, then to the coast of Cornwall for some surfing and bad-guy avoiding, and finally to the Cuban island of Skeleton Key, as the son of two CIA operatives who are investigating a Russian general's planned nuclear comeback. Following in the tradition of his uncle, the famous spy, Alex wholeheartedly takes command of his adventures and manages to save the world, yet again. Reluctant readers, particularly boys who can't find anything that interests them, will flock to this audiobook. Simon Prebble's reading is flawless; we forget we're being read to, and we find ourselves on the Cornwall coast with Alex. He moves between characters easily, and listeners won't find his British accent bothersome. There is all of the requisite spy intrigue and adventure, even a beautiful young lady as Alex's admirer (sans the frequent sexual encounters). The excitement easily equals a Bond story.

Evarts, L., & Mandell, P. (2003). Skeleton Key. School Library Journal, 49(9), 76.

Suggested Uses:

Depending on your library, graphic novels may be shelved in a different area then the original book. For this graphic novel I would like to start monthly by pulling both versions of the novel out for the teens to see.  Likewise, in the book club offering either version to be read.  This accomplished two things, first it brings in the reluctant readers, but then in the book club it can reveal difference between the original the graphic novel adaptation of the book.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Module 12: Biography and Autobiography

Module 12/SLIS5420

The Lincolns: a scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary
By  Deborah Hopkinson

The Lincolns is a beautiful pictorial and essay focused biography of Abraham and Mary Lincoln.  The format is like a scrapbook broken up between pictures, stories, and newspaper like articles following the Lincoln’s life and relationship as a couple.

Fleming, C. (2008). The Lincolns: A scrapbook look at Abraham and Mary. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books.

Beyond and Between:
Once again the book industry has found a way to convey historical information in an engaging and accurate fomart.  The Lincolns, chronologically and thematically follows Abraham and Mary through their life, Abraham’s career, United States war, and so forth.  The reader easily can just browse where interested or get in depth and follow the book as if reading a school text.  At the back of the book the reader can follow the author’s research through the end notes and or look for specific information from the index.  However, because of the nature of the written text, long paragraphs, more text then pictures, and a higher level reading level this text would be more appropriately fit for high school aged readers.

Kirkus Reviews
The Lincolns was five years in the making and it shows. Candace Fleming's book exudes an easy familiarity with Abraham and Mary's lives and times due to her choices of telling details and the merry pleasure of its design. "The scrapbook technique…remains fresh and lively," wrote Kirkus, "a great way to provide a huge amount of information in a format that invites both browsing and in-depth study." The sweep of graphic material is impressive and beguiling--photographs, engravings, documents, posters--while antique typefaces lend a period quality to the proceedings, which extend to Mary's death. Fleming's comfort with the material comes from more than pure research. "This summer I returned to central Illinois and my hometown fair," she says. "As I strolled along the midway, I glanced down, and there lay a stone marker, reading 'The spot where Lincoln debated Douglas, September 18, 1858.' I grinned. As a child, I played in his parents' log cabin, slept in his bedroom and lived in a house on the Lincoln Heritage trail. Mr. Lincoln had simply been a natural part of my everyday life. So, I wasn't surprised to bump into him at the fair. I was, however, delighted. I felt as if I'd just run into an old friend."

The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and Mary. (2008). Kirkus Reviews, 76(23), 6.
School Library Journal

Gr 6 Up-- Through sound scholarship and engaging storytelling, Fleming presents side-by-side portraits of the famous first couple, combining telling anecdotes and large and small details to reveal aspects of the Lincolns' personalities and temperaments. Primary sources and high-quality archival photos and reproductions add significantly to this impressive American scrapbook. BOOK

The Lincolns: A Scrapbook Look at Abraham and Mary. (2009). School Library Journal, 5527.

Suggested Uses:
This book would be a good book to use for a school library session about research and information, because of its visual appeal and unique way of writing the book would be good to present to a class of 15- 20 to show elements to look for in a research project.  If this type of opportunity is not available,  having a display with other biographies marked with sticky notes to point out key information and sources for research would be a neat way to use it in the library.  Maybe even tie in the online databases/journals for the students to find more information.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Module 11: Informational Books

Module 11/SLIS5420

Titanic: Voices from the Disaster
By  Deborah Hopkinson

Titanic: Voices from the Disaster is an informational chapter book with a unique perspective on the events leading up to the sinking of the Titanic.  It follows unique historical accounts of different passengers that were on the Titanic when it sunk, including upper class, lower class, servants, and boat employees.  All given in a chronological manner that allows the reader to follow the timeline of what happened to the Titanic

Hopkinson, D., & Scholastic Press. (2012). Titanic: Voices from the disaster. New York: Scholastic Press

Beyond and Between:
This was an amazing informational book. From the bat I would suggest this book for older readers 5th to 7th because it had fewer pictures and maps that younger grades are drawn towards.  However, this book is a real informational resource with proper indexes, statistics, timeline of events appendix, and a list of research resources so the reader can do their own research.  Also, due to the fictionalized style of writing, along with the historical accounts, the book is an easier read then compared to a lot of informational books that I’ve read in the past.  It was easy to follow the storyline and yet get accurate information at the same time.

(1) 4-6 Hopkinson provides young readers with a basic introduction to the event without overdramatizing, drawing unwarranted conclusions, or prolonging the ordeal. Her "characters," real survivors whose voices relay many of the subsequent events, include crew members as well as travelers in first, second, and third class. Chapter notes, sources, archival photos, a timeline, short biographies of those mentioned, and more are included. Bib., glos., ind. Review 3/12. bc

HISTORY. (2012, Fall). The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books, 23, 179-185. Retrieved from

School Library Journal
Gr 6 Up-Hopkinson offers a thorough account (Scholastic, 2012) of the April 15, 1912 sinking of the Titanic. Background information is interspersed with stories of survivors and witnesses, including primary source quotes. The author weaves together the voices of children, passengers in all classes, the captain, and crew members to provide a unique account of the tragedy. What makes this chronicle of events unique is the direct quotes from survivors which are seamlessly inserted throughout and successfully handled by talented voice actors Mark Bramhall, Peter Altschuler, and others. Listeners will be enthralled by the effective use of personal details. Have the print version available so listeners can peruse the photos, art work, diagrams, and maps.

Medinsky, M. (2012). Titanic: Voices from the Disaster. School Library Journal, 58(12), 77.

Suggested Uses:

I would love to use this book as a tie in to current events.  For example, that boat that crashed this last month in South Korea.  Having a current events webpage/ mini display in the non-fiction including similar events in the past.  In this case using the Titanic information books, with other books about ship sinkings, including the current sinking of the passenger boat in Korea.  This would help bring the present and the past together and hopefully bridge a gap between books that students don’t identify with present events that they do connect to.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Module 10: Historical Fiction

Module 10/SLIS5420

Henry’s Freedom Box
By  Ellen Levine and Kadir Nelson

Henry’s Freedom Box is a fictionalized story of a historical slave named Henry Brown.  It follows Henry from a young age, where he was separated from his family when he was sold.  Years go by and he dreams and he sings and he gets married. However, things quickly change when his wife and children are sold and he is left alone never to see them again.  Thanks to a bird and a friend he chooses freedom with the idea of mailing himself to a state where slavery is not allowed.  So this book ends with Henry’s freedom and his new name “Henry Box Brown”

Levine, E., & Nelson, K. (2007). Henry's freedom box. New York: Scholastic Press.

Beyond and Between:
This is a poignant picture book that accurately shares the story of Henry Brown.  The illustrator uses deep colors oil painted colors to share the picture story while Levine does a wonderful job of narrating the story. Each page is filled with large illustrations and one to two paragraphs of text.  However, because of the historical nature of the text the reading level is higher than the picture book may suggest.  The neatest thing about this book is the historical tie in at the end explaining where the historical figure “Henry Box Brown” came from.  This also gives older readers a place to start researching if this book was read for a school project.

In a true story that is both heartbreaking and joyful, Levine recounts the history of Henry “Box” Brown, born into slavery. Henry works in a tobacco factory, marries another slave, and fathers three children; but then his family is sold, and Henry realizes he will never see them again. With nothing to lose, Henry persuades his friend James and a sympathetic white man to mail him in a wooden box to Philadelphia and freedom. Levine maintains a dignified, measured tone, telling her powerful story through direct, simple language. A note at the end explains the historical basis for the fictionalized story. Accompanying Levine’s fine, controlled telling are pencil, watercolor, and oil paint illustrations by Kadir Nelson that resonate with beauty and sorrow. When Henry’s mother holds him as a child on her lap, they gaze out at bright autumn leaves, and the tenderness is palpable, even as she calls to his attention the leaves that “are torn from the trees like slave children are torn from their families.” There is no sugarcoating here, and Henry is not miraculously reunited with his wife and children; however, the conclusion, as Henry celebrates his new freedom, is moving and satisfying. S.D.L.
Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story From the Underground Railroad. (2008). Booklist, 104(13), 18.

Booklist Review
Artful iconography showcases Kadir Nelson’s outstanding illustrations in this 2008 Caldecott Honor book that tells the story of runaway slave Henry Brown. The camera focuses on soulful facial expressions as emotionally laden music provides a backdrop. After his family is sold, Henry’s despair lifts when he realizes a crate might be his vehicle to freedom. The clever slave is packed into a box and mailed to Philadelphia. Animated birds fly above the trees, tracing Henry’s uncomfortable and dangerous voyage by train and steamboat. When the parcel arrives, those welcoming the crate politely knock before jubilant singing reflects Henry’s wondrous and happy emergence. This captivating production combines Nelson’s textural drawings, Jerry Dixon’s poignant narration, and composer David Mansfield’s atmospheric mood music. Includes an interview with author Ellen Levine and a “read-along” feature that captions the text. Also available as a book and CD package ($29.95) and CD ($12.95). —Nancy McCray

McCray, N. (2009). Henry's Freedom Box. Booklist, 105(19/20), 91.

Suggested Uses:

Historical books always beg for reality tie ins, especially for younger readers. It allows for higher level grades to use the book and yet apply it to everyday homework.  For this book I like the idea of a Timeline type book display, following the beginning of the historical person to other library sources and eventually this fiction book itself.  Maybe involving a history class to create the display for an extra credit assignment.  Thus not only displaying the book, but also engaging the readers.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Module 9: Mystery

Module 9/SLIS5420

The Face on the Milk Carton
By  Caroline B Cooney

The Face on the Milk Carton is a young adult book that asks the question- what would you do if you saw your face on a milk carton?  Jennie Spring is just an average 15 year old in highschool with a group of good friends.  However, it all starts to change when she recognizes her own face on the back of a milk carton.  The book follows Jennie as she starts trying to figure out if she was kidnapped, deal with the questions should I ask my parents, struggles with the conclusive proof that the picture on the milk carton is indeed her.  Everything culminating with a call to “her real mom’?

Cooney, C. B. (1990). The face on the milk carton. New York: Bantam Books.

Beyond and Between:
Caroline Cooney does a great job at writing about the realities of dealing with the question ‘was I kidnapped as a kid?’  The mystery, the hurt feelings, the desire to know the truth, but still love her “parents” who raised her.  After reading this book, the reader almost wants to ask themselves, would I ever really want to find out my parents are not really my parents??  The realities of teenage life, school, and friends makes this book feel real and you cannot help but relate to Jennie’s struggles.  Though, this book has a clear female main character, the issues of belonging, family relationships, and friendships makes this book engaging for guys and girls to read.

School Library Journal
FR 7-10- The message on the milk carton reads, “Have you seen this child?” Three year old Jennie Spring was kidnapped 12 years earlier, but Janie Johnson, looking at the photo, suddenly knows that she is that child. Fragments of memory and evidence accumulate and when she demands to know about her early childhood years, her parents confess what they believe to be true, that she is really their grandchild, the child of their long-missing daughter who had joined a cult.  Janie wants to accept this, but she cannot forget Jennie’s family and their loss. Finally, almost against her will, she seeks help and confides in her parents. Her mother insists that she call the Spring family, and the book ends as she calls them. Many young people fantasize about having been adopted or even kidnapped but the decisions Janie must face are painful and complex and she experiences denial, anger, and guilt while sorting her way toward a solution. Janie’s boyfriend- sensible, funny, with problems of his own- is an excellent foil for her intensity. Their romance is natural and believable. Cooney again demonstrates an excellent ear for dialogue and a gift for portraying responsible middle-class teenagers trying to come to terms with very real concerns. A good choice for readers of Norma Fos Mazer’s Taking Terri Muller (Morrow, 1983). – Tatiana Castleton, Stockton- San Joaguin County Public Library, CA

Castleton, T. (1990). The Face on the Milk Carton (Book). School Library Journal, 36(2), 109.

Booklist Review
Cooney, Caroline. Face on the Milk Carton. 1990. Delacorte, $15.95 (0-385-32328-X); paper, $5.50 (0-440-22065-3).
Gr. 6-9. In a book that generated several sequels and a television movie, 15-year-old Janie sees a picture of her younger self, identified as a kidnapped child, on the side of a milk carton and is forced to seek the truth of her past.

Zvirin, S. (2001, May 1). Face on the Milk Carton. Booklist, 97(17), 1610.

Suggested Uses:

This book would be perfect for an interactive book display where the teens are encouraged to “name that book” based on the clues given in the display.  I one regard this display will be about mystery books, but on the other hand the students would be engaged in figuring out what the book titles are. For example, for this book I would get a milk carton with a face on the back of it.  Of course, the item itself being the clue to what the book title is and at the same time hopefully causing curious minds to want to read the book as well. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Module 8: Fantasy and Science Fiction

Module 8/SLIS5420

Princess Academy
By  Shannon Hale

The Princess Academy is  Fantasy book following the story of Miri.  Miri’s family and whole village is known for its quarry work that supplies the county with the special Linder stone.  However, Miri is not allowed to work in the quarry and struggles with feelings of being useless and judged by the village.  However, everything changes when it is revealed that the princes’ wife will come from her village.  Next think Miri knows, she is being taken with other girls from her village to the princess academy where maybe there she can prove to everyone she can make a difference, in the mean time dealing with a teacher who is very strict, with her emotions for a boy from the village, and an attack on the school itself. 

Hale, S. (2005). Princess Academy. New York: Bloomsbury Children's Books

Beyond and Between:
This book is a delightful read, however because of its main characters it is definitely more a girl read type of book.  The main character Miri is fighting against her own self-doubt, the bullies at the academy, and learning how to stand up for herself, her family, and her village.  The fantasy aspect of the book is there with the possibility for Miri to learn to quarry speak, which is a way of communicating mentally through the linder stone across great distances.  However, outside of this, the book comes across as more of a realistic fiction type read where the fantasy part of the book seems to take a back seat to the rest of the story.  In the end, Miri doesn’t get the princes, but this fits the story better because she gets to use her skills and learn to value them herself in helping better her village barter with the linder tradesmen.

School Library Journal
Gr 5-9-- The thought of being a princess never occurred to the girls living on Mount Eskel. Most plan to work in the quarry like the generations before them. When it is announced that the prince will choose a bride from their village, 14-year-old Miri, who thinks she is being kept from working in the quarry because of her small stature, believes that this is her opportunity to prove her worth to her father. All eligible females are sent off to attend a special academy where they face many challenges and hardships as they are forced to adapt to the cultured life of a lowlander. First, strict Tutor Olana denies a visit home. Then, they are cut off from their village by heavy winter snowstorms. As their isolation increases, competition builds among them. The story is much like the mountains, with plenty of suspenseful moments that peak and fall, building into the next intense event. Miri discovers much about herself, including a special talent called quarry speak, a silent way to communicate. She uses this ability in many ways, most importantly to save herself and the other girls from harm. Each girl's story is brought to a satisfying conclusion, but this is not a fluffy, predictable fairy tale, even though it has wonderful moments of humor. Instead, Hale weaves an intricate, multilayered story about families, relationships, education, and the place we call home.

Plevak, L. L., Jones, T. E., Toth, L., Charnizon, M., Grabarek, D., & Raben, D. (2005). Princess Academy. School Library Journal, 51(10), 161

Kirkus Review
There are many pleasures to this satisfying tale: a precise lyricism to the language ("The world was as dark as eyes closed" or "Miri's laugh is a tune you love to whistle") and a rhythm to the story that takes its tropes from many places, but its heart from ours. Miri is very small; her father has never let her work in the linder stone quarries where her village makes its living and she fears that it's because she lacks something. However, she's rounded up, with the other handful of girls ages 12 to 17, to be taught and trained when it's foreseen that the prince's bride will come from their own Mount Eskel. Olana, their teacher, is pinched and cruel, but Miri and the others take to their studies, for it opens the world beyond the linder quarries to them. Miri seeks other learning as well, including the mindspeech that ties her to her people, and seems to work through the linder stone itself. There's a lot about girls in groups, both kind and cutting; a sweet boy; the warmth of friends, fathers and sisters; and the possibility of being chosen by a prince one barely knows. The climax involving evil brigands is a bit forced, but everything else is an unalloyed joy. (Fantasy. 9-14)

Princess Academy. (2005). Kirkus Reviews, 73(14), 790.

Suggested Uses:

This book would work for a fantasy book list or book club read.  However, I like the idea of including it in a planned supplemental  program for teachers/ school librarians.  To idea would be bring in professional women across a variety of roles and positions to (2-3) to talk with the school class about what they do.  Hopefully to encourage dreams of bigger things for the female students, who like Miri don’t think they can do much.  Likewise, having the switch of this type of supplemental program for the guys as well.  In all of this bringing in books like this one, to suggest to the students to read for themselves.  

Module 7: Realistic Fiction

Module 7/SLIS5420

A Dog Called Kitty
By Bill Wallace

This book is about a boy named Ricky.  The story starts out with a big move from St. Louis to a farm in Oklahoma that his Dad just up and bought and moved the family to.  As the story moves along you meet the newest character and adorable little dog who is starving.  However, Ricky is afraid of dogs, due to a bad experience with a rabid dog.  Slowly, Ricky and the dog grow to love each other and in the processes Ricky learns to deal with fear, to trust again, and in the end to let go when the dog they named kitty died. 

Wallace, B. (1980). A dog called Kitty. New York, NY: Holiday House

Beyond and Between:
A Dog Named Kitty is a very poignant  book that gives a look into the relational and emotional aspects of Ricky’s life, family, and fears.   It reads like a  memory, from the perspective of the older Ricky, sharing the story of the young Ricky struggling to push past his fears and love this dog that has shown up on the Oklahoma farm his family owns.  Like, Old Yeller, the ending is very sad but because the author did such a good job at bringing the reader along with Ricky and sharing in the emotional struggles, you can’t help but relate to Ricky realizing that he does love this dog, even though at first he wanted nothing to do with him.

School Library Journal
GR 4-7 – The relationship St. Louis born Ricky develops with an abandoned puppy on an Oklahoma farm has the power to triumph over his intense fears resulting from an attack by a rabid canine he experienced as a toddle. Ricky only acknowledges his love for the dog he names Kitty after his pet is accidentally killed at the site of an oil rig. Ricky’s telling of his childhood ordeal (a doctor administered 63 stitches) without benefit of anesthesia) is for strong stomachs, and the colloquial style features an occasional annoying sentence fragment. Nevertheless, the believable characterization of soft spoken, unpretentious Ricky makes the book work.-  Lynne D. Moose, Harmony Elementary School Library, N.C.

Moose, L. D. (1981). A Dog Called Kitty (Book). School Library Journal, 27(6), 71

Suggested Uses:
This book would be a great tie in to a “pets as your best friend” family night.  The floor would be open for children and their parents to bring their family pets to the library to share with others about who their “best friend” is.  In the program maybe having the local shelter prepare a power point of pets that need a best friend.  Of course, tying in books like “A Dog Named Kitty” to start off the evening with book characters that have had pets.  On a practical note, I would have to think through how various pets in the library would actually work.  Maybe, working with an outside partner to do this program in the community and not in the library would be better.

Module 7/SLIS5420

By Gary Paulsen

Hatchet is a reality adventure story about a boy named Brian.  Brian is on his way to his Father’s home in Canada when suddenly his pilot has a heart attack.  Next thing Brian knows,  is that he is alone and in the Canadian wilds.  The book goes on to follow’s Brian’s struggles as he tries to survive with only his wits and his hatchet.  All the while, Brian tries to keep up home that he will be found and rescued.

Paulsen, G. (1987). Hatchet. New York: Bradbury Press

Beyond and Between:
Hatchet is an intense read from the beginning Paulsen grabs your attention through his short but action compacted chapters.  Through a problem solving type writing, you see the inner thoughts of Brian as he tries to find food, start a fire, and all the while keep his focus.  It is in these inner dialogs that we meet the support cast who helps Brian survive, a key person is one of his old school teachers that reminds him to keep going on.  So while Brian is trying to survive, the books plot carries forward, but it really the struggles Brian has with being alone, pushing past fear, and not giving up on hope that makes this a good read for any age group.  However, the writing style is simple, so while Brian’s character is older, this book would probably work better for fourth to sixth grade readers.

School Library Journal

Gr 5-8-- This model survival story of a plane crash in a lake strands 15-year-old Brian alone in the Canadian wilderness for 54 days. Emotional wounds are healed as he struggles to overcome hunger, wild animals, and a tornado. Paulsen's visual writing style and attention to detail are drawn from his own experience and affinity for the woods. Audiobook available from Listening Library.
Reutter, V. (2004). Hatchet (Book). School Library Journal, 50(5), 64.

Suggested Uses:

This book would be fun to do with a “Can you Survive in the Wilderness” theme.  Maybe working with the local Boy scouts and Girl scouts to bring in a different group of kids into the library.  Offer to have one of the boy/girl scout meetings at the library to talk about their project of the month, but also bring in the book aspect also.

Module 6: Picture Books

Module 6/SLIS5420

Llama Llama Red Pajama
By Anna Dewdney

Llama Llama Red Pajama follows the antics of the little llama that has a hard time falling asleep in his dark room afraid of the dark and wanting him mama back.

Dewdney, A. (2005). Llama Llama red pajama. New York: Viking.

Beyond and Between:
Llama Llama Red Pajama is an adorable read about a little Llama that is being put to bed by his mama.  Anna Dewdney does a wonderful job in showing with vibrant pictures and key emotional words the worry and anxiety that Llama goes through while being put to bed.  In one scene the whole picture is the little Llama surrounded by darkness and all you can see is his big scared eyes.  For younger children the intense emotion of the picture draws them in and is very engaging for them. 


School Library Journal
PreS-K-- With its sweet rendering of the trials of bedtime and separation anxiety, this book's familiar theme will be a hit with youngsters. Baby Llama, all tucked in and kissed after his bedtime story, watches his mama leave the room with a worried expression on his face. When he calls her and she does not come back immediately, he succumbs to a fit of wailing and weeping, finally bringing his panic-stricken mother at a full gallop. After her reassurance that "Mama Llama's always near, even if she's not right here," Baby Llama settles and drifts off to sleep. This story has a simple rhyme scheme, using natural language that children will enjoy. The large, boldly colored pictures have a grand and sweeping quality, extending out to the edges of the pages. Baby Llama's facial expressions capture his fear and alarm wonderfully. The contrast between light and dark enhances the drama in the story. This effective read-aloud will be a popular choice for storyhour and one-on-one sharing.

Austin, C. (2005). Llama, Llama Red Pajama. School Library Journal, 51(4), 96.

Kirkus Review
Dewdney's authorial debut is an uproariously funny tale detailing the true events that occur between lights out and when a wee one actually falls asleep. Feeling bereft after his mother leaves the room, little Llama soon calls down for a drink of water. What happens between that moment and his mom's arrival is a treat for seasoned parents and a eureka moment for young readers. With unerring accuracy, Dewdney perfectly captures the existential, pint-sized angst little ones experience after they are tucked in for the night. With dead-on comic timing, Dewdney's snappy verses convey the juxtaposition of little Llama's escalating anxiety and Mama's last minute efforts to get something done before heading back up to the room. The full-color, full-bleed illustrations are an intrinsic part of why this tale works so well. The combination of little Llama's expressions with the ever-darkening hues expertly capture his growing concerns. When Llama's worries reach their climactic peak, Mama's sensible but sensitive response soothes both her ruffled baby and young readers alike. Dewdney's tale is bound to become a comical classic oft-requested at bedtime. (Picture book. 3-7)
Llama, Llama Red Pajama. (2005). Kirkus Reviews, 73(9), 156...

Suggested Uses:

I have already used this book as a part of a ‘sleepy time’ story time with 2-6 year olds and I wouldn’t hesitate again to use this book again.  Another theme that would be neat to do would be ‘emotions’,  kids are so full of emotions that having books such as Llama Llama Red Pajama that point out emotions through pictures and words would be a great theme for the younger ages.

Module 5: Other Award Winners

Module 5/SLIS5420

American Born Chinese
By Gene Luen Yang

American Born Chinese is a graphic novel by Gene Yang following the stories of three characters struggling in their own way to find their identity in their own social scene.  The first story follows the Monkey King, as from the Journey West Chinese folk tale, as he struggles with being kicked out of heaven and tries to figure out who he is.  The second story follows a Chinese American Jin as he deals with his heritage but still desires to be a part of the typical high school scene including maybe an American girlfriend.  The last story tells  about Danny, who all the sudden has to deal with his Chinese cousin being in school with him, which to Danny is a total embarrassment.  In each story weaves the same issues of identity, cultural understanding, dealing with acceptance, and other such issues all coming together in the end to face these difficult realities.

Yang, G. L., & Pien, L. (2006). American born Chinese. New York: First Second.

Beyond and Between:
As a graphic novel this book was amazing detailed, yet because of the three views perspective the book moved quickly.  In a typical graphic novel, in my experience, the book moves along with action and plot line usually covering on main character.  This gives the reader time to follow the plot line, absorb the graphics and the little details that tell more of the story, and help the reader engage with the book.  However, with American born Chinese the three main characters, along with the sub-plots move so quickly that this book was a very quick read.  It became obvious that while this book is character drive, it is more theme driven with the issues all the main characters are struggling with.   If a reader is expecting to pick up this book for a light read, then this may not be the graphic novel you are expecting.  The depths of this story is definitely deeper in meaning the graphic novel format suggests.


School Library Journal
Gr 7 Up --It's tough to talk about today's most serious issues (such as racial prejudice, self-acceptance, and spirituality) without appearing sanctimonious or sappy. But graphic artist Gene Yang deftly sidesteps that quicksand in this zippy, heartfelt tale of what it means to grow up Asian American.

American Born Chinese. (2006). School Library Journal, 5266.

Library Journal
A National Book Award finalist and ALA's Printz Award winner, this fable stars the mythological Monkey King, realistic youngster Jin Wang of Taiwanese parentage, and TV sitcom teen Danny. All three are dogged by an unwanted identity and humiliated by others' prejudice. The Monkey King trains to be a god but is unceremoniously bounced out of heaven and urged by "he who is" (the great god) to be what he is: a monkey. Jin tries to be accepted and romance a fellow student but gets picked on by classmates. Danny does well with friends until Chinese cousin Chin-Kee, a bitingly funny bundle of racist stereotypes, makes his annual visit and behaves so offensively that Danny must change schools. Finally, the three stories suddenly merge, to center on Jin coming to terms with his minority experience and moving beyond his own fear and hostility. Coalescence comes almost too quickly, but the trivision approach and treatment are unique and moving. The art is simple, colorful, and both attractive and effective. Some potty humor; recommended for teen and adult collections.

Cornog, M. (2007). American Born Chinese. Library Journal, 132(5), 54..

Suggested Uses:
This book could be on a suggested book list for school counselors to suggest to their students that maybe struggling with similar identity issues.  The easy reading graphic novel format may be more reader friendly to the students and it could be read with the counselor to help spark conversations.

Module 5/SLIS5420

The Tequila Worm
By Viola Canales

The Tequila Worm is a story about an Mexican American highschool student names Sofia.   The story follows Sofia as she walks in the traditions of her family all the while struggling with being a Mexican-American in school. In the process she embraces her soccer skills and intelligence to show that despite her background she is more than a ‘taco head’ as some girls call her at school.  In the process a wonderful opportunity comes up for her to go to a private boarding school away from her family and friends.  The Tequila Worm follows Sofia as she learns to embrace her Mexican American background and the challenges before her.

Canales, V. (2005). The tequila worm. New York: Wendy Lamb Books.

Beyond and Between:
From the beginning as Viola Canales shares about Sofia’s history from a storytelling family the reader is brought into the engaging vibrant life of this Mexican American family.  The story reads like a close and personal dialog and storytelling story itself sharing the traditions of Sofia’s family, such as the quinceanera, and brings in the personal touch with struggles Sofia has at school.  All through the book you sense how Sofia’s family traditions also bring strength and wisdom to help Sofia deal with her challenges at school.  However, it is Sophia’s awareness of this that grows and changes throughout the entire tale, as she learns to embrace who she is.


Horn Book Guide
(3) Family and storytelling have always been the two most important aspects of Sofia's life. After a childhood in the barrio, chronicled here in entertaining vignettes, she accepts a scholarship to a boarding school. She leaves home and family behind but takes the stories with her. This engaging story is humorous, vivid, and poignant. AMM

OLDER FICTION. (2006, Spring). The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books, 17, 88-102.

School Library Journal
Gr 5-8-- Sofia, 14, lives in McAllen, TX. What she lacks in material possessions, she makes up for in personality and intelligence. When she is called a "taco head" by a student at her school, she decides to "kick that girl" by getting better grades and being a better soccer player than her tormentor. As a result of this determination, Sofia is offered a scholarship to the elite Saint Luke's school in Austin. Now she must convince her family and herself that she is up to the challenge. Canales includes vivid descriptions of life in a Mexican-American community. Her prose is engaging and easy to read, making this novel a good choice for reluctant readers. The momentum slows a bit after Sofia's arrival in Austin in contrast to the portion of the book set in McAllen. Still, the story is a good addition to most collections.

Buron, M., Jones, T. E., Toth, L., Charnizon, M., Grabarek, D., & Raben, D. (2006). The Tequila Worm. School Library Journal, 52(2), 128.

Suggested Uses:
This book covers so many things that I see much potential for its use in the library.  My first thought is that a book talk with this book and other similar minority focused books would be a good for a book talk, especially within a diverse community as found in a lot of the Dallas School system schools.  Even if there is not a dominate Mexican American population in the school/class the similar struggles of Sofia can include different family/cultural dynamics which relates to all types of children/youth. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Module 4: Newbery Winners

Module 4/SLIS5420

Roller Skates
By Ruth Sawyer

Roller Skates is about the life of Lucinda Wyman back in the 1890’s who goes to live in New York with the Peters’ while her parents went on vacation.  She takes the city at large as her own neighborhood skating around on roller-skates making new friends.  Through all this you learn a bit about New York back in the 1890’s and some Lucinda’s personal hardships when two of her own friends die.

Sawyer, R., & Angelo, V. (1936). Roller skates. New York: Viking Press.

Beyond and Between:
Roller skates was a delightful read and a breath of fresh air. You come away from reading this journal like recounting of Lucinda’s time in New York as if seeing the young life of the old days of New York.  Meeting the different people, sensing a safe New York setting, and laughing along with Lucinda as she delights in all the things she is seeing/doing.  In all this the additional plot twist of the death of her friend’s leaves the real with a real taste of the life of Lucinda in her happy times and sad. 

Sarah Flowers
Gr 4-7-This recording of the 1937 Newbery Award-winning book by Ruth Sawyer (Penguin Putnam, pap. 1986) is read by television and stage actress Kate Forbes. The story takes place in New York City in the 1890s, during the year of 10-year-old Lucinda's "orphanage." That's Lucinda's term for her situation when her parents go to Italy and leave her in the care of Miss Peters and Miss Nettie. Lucinda, enjoying her freedom, explores the city on roller skates and makes friends wherever she goes. She reads Shakespeare with her uncle, puts on her own production of The Tempest, creates a magical Christmas for a little girl from an impoverished family, helps a family protect their fruit stand from attacks by rowdy boys, and has picnics in a vacant lot , among other adventures. Forbes does a good job with the reading, conveying Lucinda's enthusiasm but not becoming overly dramatic. However, the story suffers from age. Certain expressions and references are likely to elude most children (and even many adults). The obligatory tragedies (the death of Trinket, the unexplained murder of a woman Lucinda befriends) seem a little maudlin. There is also some ethnic stereotyping, typical of the time that is unacceptable today. However, in libraries where Newbery books are always in demand, this audio- book will help make an older book a little more accessible to young readers.-Sarah Flowers, Santa Clara County Library, Morgan Hill, CA (c)

Levy Mandell, P., & Flowers, S. (2002). Roller Skates (Sound recording). School Library Journal, 48(4), 86.

Kristi Beavin
Read by Kate Forbes.
Recorded Books 2001 4 cass. ISBN 0-7887-5032-1 38.00In this 1937 Newbery Award winner, Lucinda's parents leave on a trip to Italy, and she is shipped off to the suitably kind and satisfactorily inattentive Misses Peters. Free of parental oversight, Lucinda begins her adventures. Narrator Kate Forbes overcomes the somewhat leisurely construction of the plot by maintaining a lively, enthusiastic pace. Because this is so entirely Lucinda's story, Forbes distinguishes the minor characters by only the slightest of variations, and settles instead for gently underlining the vividly graceful images that are the hallmark of Sawyer's narrative style.

Beavin, K. (2001). Roller Skates. Horn Book Magazine, 77(6), 779.

Suggested Uses:
This book would be a delightful book to use along with a theme of “Discover your City”.  It could be used as a part of a suggested book list, a display, but what I really like is the idea of using this theme and book as a part of a summer reading program theme.  Incorporating other books where the main character is exploring new place.  This would help the patrons relate to the book, relate to their town in a new fun way, and encourage reading.

Module 4/SLIS5420

A Tale of Despereaux
By Kate DiCamillo

A Tale of Despereaux is a story about a little mouse named Despereaux who has big dreams and is in love with a princess.  Told through three points of view, ending all the view points coming together you follow the story of little Despereaux, a rat named Chiaroscuro (Roscuro for short) and a servant named Mig.  Through the story the princess ends up being kidnaped by Roscuro and Mig and it is up to Despereaux with the help a friend and the cook to go into the dungeon, confront Roscuro, and hopefully save his princess.

DiCamillo, K., & Ering, T. B. (2003). The tale of Despereaux: Being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread. Cambridge, Mass: Candlewick Press.

Beyond and Between:
This book is a wonderful read, Katie DiCamillo easily weaves the story of three different characters in such a way that the reader is carried from the beginning to the end in an enchanting and engaging way.  Each chapter is short and has very eye catching illustrations that capture the essence of each character in the book. Due to this, this book can easily read by ages as young as third grade and it would be a great book to read to beginning readers to catch their interest in reading.  The language is pretty simple, however the descriptions and French vocabulary, in the book wouldn’t make this an easy read, but a delightful slightly challenging book. 


Horn Book Guide
 DiCamillo, Kate The Tale of Despereaux 272 pp. Candlewick ISBN 0-7636-1722-9 17.99
(2) Illustrated by Timothy Basil Ering. Despereaux Tilling is not like the other mice in the castle. He's smaller than average, likes to read books, and is in love with a human being: Princess Pea. When a rat and a young servant kidnap the princess, Despereaux, armed with a needle and a spool of thread, makes a daring rescue. Framing the book with the conventions of a Victorian novel, DiCamillo tells an engaging tale. Review 9/03. PDS

Gershowitz, E., Sieruta, P. D., Shute, C., Meister, B. L., & al, e. (2004, Spring). INTERMEDIATE FICTION. The Horn Book Guide to Children's and Young Adult Books, 15, 87-105.

School Library Journal
Gr 3 Up-- A charming story of unlikely heroes whose destinies entwine to bring about a joyful resolution. Foremost is Despereaux, a diminutive mouse who, as depicted in Ering's pencil drawings, is one of the most endearing of his ilk ever to appear in children's books. His mother, who is French, declares him to be "such the disappointment" at his birth and the rest of his family seems to agree that he is very odd: his ears are too big and his eyes open far too soon and they all expect him to die quickly. Of course, he doesn't. Then there is the human Princess Pea, with whom Despereaux falls deeply (one might say desperately) in love. She appreciates him despite her father's prejudice against rodents. Next is Roscuro, a rat with an uncharacteristic love of light and soup. Both these predilections get him into trouble. And finally, there is Miggery Sow, a peasant girl so dim that she believes she can become a princess. With a masterful hand, DiCamillo weaves four story lines together in a witty, suspenseful narrative that begs to be read aloud. In her authorial asides, she hearkens back to literary traditions as old as those used by Henry Fielding. In her observations of the political machinations and follies of rodent and human societies, she reminds adult readers of George Orwell. But the unpredictable twists of plot, the fanciful characterizations, and the sweetness of tone are DiCamillo's own. This expanded fairy tale is entertaining, heartening, and, above all, great fun.

Jones, T. E., Toth, L., Charnizon, M., Grabarek, D., Larkins, J., & Budin, M. (2003). The Tale of Despereaux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess, Some Soup, and a Spool of Thread (Book). School Library Journal, 49(8), 126.

Suggested Uses:
A Tale of Despereaux would be a fun book to use for a drama club, suggest to parents to read aloud for bed time stories, or incorporate a medieval themed program ending with a showing of this movie as fun family night occasion.